How to increase potency in men folk remedies

Most problems of erectile paid for in old age, however, young boys and use the "misfire", which is this function. If a person wants to poison himself with pills, a way out may be possible in folk medicine. How to increase potency in men folk remedies and do it as soon as possible? In this case, the representatives of the stronger sex must contact the most effective herbs and foods that work not worse drugs(and in some cases even better). Modern medicine provides us with drugs to enhance libido a lot, but they are always on the list of side effects. You can use some human groups, while people of means, in vain is against the individual intolerance of the components of the infusions or decoctions. Prepare them at home quite simply, their costs are much less for medicines from the pharmacy, and use the same.


What plants and foods that are good power?

When a man has faced problems in the sexual sphere, his first impulse is to buy drugs. Doctor all However important the past, that made much more useful "grandmother's recipes", change your lifestyle and start eating right. This allows, even if slower, but leads to a safer urine-order. An exception may be unnecessary serious diseases for which no medicines can not do. If you care to support folk remedies, diet and various treatments, the recovery process becomes much faster. Technology and use this to add different diseases. Psychological problems, it can also help to relax and relieve stress, needs for nothing choose the right recipe. Most useful power is considered a food and the following herbs:

  • Cilantro. The name of my other spices – coriander, it saturates the body with nutrients, enhance the secretion of the glands, inspire desire, stimulate blood lad flow to the penis. Coriander is used for the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma, helps the sexual organs work better
  • Parsley. Has immunostimulant anti-inflammatory and effect, removes toxins, cleanse the urinary tract, normalizes the blood of the son of clotting, and it contains elements that are involved in vital processes. It also prevents women the body's hormones – estrogen, which supports in good condition the skin
  • St. john's wort. It has antiseptic, analgesic and antihelminthic properties, it helps and dilate blood vessels of the member states to fully fill with blood, is the antidepressant effect. The herb successfully relieves spasms of the blood vessels and blood vessels, removes inflammatory processes in the genital organs, but often can not be used
  • Walnuts. Contains essential for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system elements that contribute to the process of spermatogenesis, testosterone production, improves brain activity
  • Med. Help impotence associated with aging, restores energy, improves immunity, improves rheological properties of blood. It is best to choose a product of beekeeping, which was assembled herbs-aphrodisiac (Jasmine, marjoram, Orchid)
  • Ginseng. Useful men sen the features of the root. It restore potency, beneficial effect on the nervous system, raises sexual desire, increases the sensation during sex, provides good blood circulation in the pelvic


Also useful for men is considered fireweed, celery, Ginkgo biloba, berries and mountain ash, hawthorn, pumpkin seeds, nettle. Ginger, etc. the products listed in the proposal and make tinctures, decoctions, and sometimes nutritious seos.

Recipes folk remedies

To raise the potency of folk remedies is possible that in the next couple of months, to no avail regularly taking cooked medicines. Some products don't even need to cook to get the desired effect, for example, or honey nuts. However, along with other factors he can prime with even more benefits. Before you use any of the below recipes consult with your doctor whether there is enough recovery. Weak, limp penis, lack of prolonged erection is not a sentence in the sexual life of men, but a signal that the body needs the help of man and power is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help to find a strong erection having sex with a man, but for all its disadvantages and against-indications, especially if a man 30-40 years. Calculates the power to help in vain to get an erection is not here and now, but yes work prevention accumulation of masculine power, people lets continue to be sexually active for years!

Med. Honey itself is very useful for erectile function. It is a natural aphrodisiac – a substance much stronger erections, increase libido and help prolong sexual intercourse. Among the foods, there are many others that have the same characteristics, but they are difficult to confuse with other useful products (oysters, cicurina, bananas). Well But gold less nuts, it is mixed with garlic and herbs. Here are a few effective tools:

  1. Take 10 walnuts, grind them into a powder core and pour half a glass of water. After 2 hours, strain the resulting liquid and honey diluted with 2 tablespoons. Drink required during the day
  2. In equal proportions to mix the honey and ginger. Take ½ teaspoon 3 times a day before meals
  3. As well, mix carrot juice and honey, drink during the day

Another popular recipe requires several components:

  • 300 g chopped nuts
  • 100 g hazelnuts
  • 50 g of the roots of Rhodiola rosea
  • A few rose hips
  • Head of garlic, boil in a water bath
  • 1 kg of honey


All the ingredients mix well and take 1 tablespoon 2 hours after eating. This is especially useful, seos are considered older men.

Walnuts. Product Information – to no avail vitamins minerals storage and, and in particular the need for and the synthesis of testosterone zinc selenium. They help to treat a variety of diseases, but above all they are known for their effect on potency. This is Such a popular Oriental recipe. Take:

  1. 200 grams of raisins, figs and prunes, 12 pieces of walnuts
  2. All the ingredients are good and the chop mix, if you want, add a spoonful of honey
  3. Store in the refrigerator, can eat 2 tablespoons before bedtime

The second recipe product contains 500 g, 300 ml honey, 100 aloe juice and remove the 50 grams of powder parsnip root. He was mixed to eat a spoonful of large and three times a day. You can use the for nothing the kernel does not, but the partition between them. So, in their country, take out 2 tablespoons, pour 0.4 l of boiling water. After that, infuse 30 minutes, filter and drink half a Cup 3 times a day, regardless of meals.

Garlic. Like other products, not less useful in its pure form than cooked. To prepare the tincture, men need to prepare 1 kg of peeled cloves in a bowl and a glass. Then he pour 0.5 liters of vodka, close and compactly store in a dark place for a week. After that, take 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before eating. If you are against alcohol is another folk remedy to increase potency:

Means power

Multi complex, very efficient, thanks to the active components. His research showed, without any side effects and high rate of assimilation, which leads to an instantaneous effect. Drops contains guarana extract, L-arginine, glycine and magnesium - substances, relieve tension, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, increasing blood lad flow to the penis. The drug is not suitable for patients of all ages.


  • 1kg fresh garlic, place in a glass jar
  • Fill it to the brim with boiled water
  • Close, and closely leave the place, with no sunlight, shaking occasionally
  • 1 teaspoon in a glass of Drinking milk

Requires the Following manufacturing method, skip the garlic through a meat grinder, the resulting slurry is not more than a minute to boil the white wine, and then a glass container in the cold and pour. The drug 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals for three days, and then make a break for 10 days and repeat the course, so yes two times more. Try also to add the product to your salads, soups.

The lemon grass. Still one of the most powerful erection of the plants, as ginseng. In the preparation of folk remedies to increase potency in men schisandra is used quite often, and most of its or fruit seeds. They contain a variety and vitamins trace elements, necessary for normal functioning of the body, such as vitamin E (prevents aging of the needed processes and the functioning of the endocrine of the nervous system), flavonoids (improves blood circulation, resist virus infections), zinc (involved in the production of testosterone, strengthens immunity, helps to get rid of the fatigue). From lemon grass can be prepared:

  1. Powder. A few berries are dried, then pounded and used in 1 g and in the evening in the morning
  2. The tincture. A couple of handfuls of berries pour 1 liter of vodka, close and tightly leave for 2 weeks. Then drink 30 drops before each meal
  3. Broth. Should pour 200 ml boiling water 10 g of dried schisandra fruit, pokipyatit then another 10 minutes on low heat. Cool and drink 2-3 tablespoons per day
  4. Drink. Fresh berries pour boiling water, to insist 6 hours. Drink if desired, be mixed with honey and sugar, drink tea instead

If possible, in advance and store the berries in the cold, so they can always make one of the recipes.

Epimedium. The other name of the plant – Epimedium, add it to the amount of spermatogenesis, prevents premature ejaculation, activates the testes. Also Epimedium because people bear are considered an aphrodisiac, so it can increase and desire libido. Folk remedies gorjanki have properties that can normalize the process of blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, relieves migraine headaches, seizures. Women decoction is useful to drink during menopause. One of the most effective recipes are the following: it is necessary to chop the fresh leaves of the plant (30 g), pour boiling water, half an hour is required. Drink drink a a day, before each meal. You can Increase the power pour 15 g of dry grass, with 250 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about 20 minutes. The resulting broth to drink a teaspoon three times a day. You can keep longer than a week.

Ginseng. Among the herbal plants and all comes from first utility, therefore it is used in many medicines. Not It can be used only for therapeutic purposes, but also for the prevention of impotence. However, be sure to follow the dosing recipes, because otherwise, ginseng is harmful to health. Tincture of than because people carry to make a touch of vodka and without it:

  • Vodka No. 1.20 g of crushed root pour 200 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, let stand for 7 days. Drink 20 drops 2 times a day half an hour before meals
  • Vodka No. 2. The whole root pour 4 liters of vodka, leave in a cool place for 12 hours. After 3 times a day, drink 50 mg of infusion
  • Without the vodka. Mix 350 g of honey and ½ tablespoon of the root. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 days. Cooking, eat 1 tsp. three times a day 30 minutes before meals

The duration of treatment should not exceed 1-2 months, it is better in this regard, consult with your doctor.

Other recommendations

In folk medicine, it is unnecessary to eri tips for the preparation of the drinks reception inside. Folk remedies is also considered to increase the efficacy of steam treatments, contrast shower, multiple packs and more. All for Not, they may have some impact, of such events but are not quite injured. The most popular water treatments:

essential oils

  1. Sedentary baths. Helps to improve blood circulation in the pelvis and abdomen. Generally, add water decoction of herbs, however, can do without them. It is recommended to sit for about 5 minutes a day
  2. A contrast shower. Useful erection is pointless, but health in General.
  3. Turpentine baths. Most would benefit those who suffer from poor and sperm quality can be imagined. These exercises and improves blood circulation strengthens blood vessels and also facilitate the cleaning of the pioneering channels. Add 5 ml of turpentine emulsion, the procedure can be repeated about 10 times. Done in the Same way the bath mummy (katja hämäläinen: the raw material 10 mg)
  4. To sleep in the bathtub. Helps because it allows you to relax all the muscles. During the leave the faucet with warm water, so cold. A positive effect on men's psychological impotence
  5. Hardening of the. The easiest of these is set in a basin of cold water and the highest circulated it to raise the knee minutes. Immediately after the procedure, wear warm, and the socks stretch

In the bath water, you can also add essential oil. For this purpose, suitable oils of geranium, thyme, cedar, sage. The second method involves the use of ice, it is called "Georgia". Man must chop about 0.5 kg of ice, wrapped it in a folded gauze 8 times and apply alternately the nape of the neck, the edges and the heart in the scrotum. 3-5 for the Second time in a day.